Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Locs Websites

I actually found two websites about Locs that are almost exactly what I was thinking of doing:

Inspired Locs has a section about the history of locs and the different types; the spirituality and politics some association with locs; care and maintenance and getting started with locs, all capped off with some nice photos. I like the graphics on the home page for this site. Not sure I like the blue background for each section, though.

Dreadlocks.com has a useful section on 'facts and rumors' and another about the different methods used to start locs. This page also has links to a few other good sites.(Although check out the terrible use of text color here.)

For my own website, I would want to include some information related to the Philadelphia area, although that might narrow the audience too much. But these are two good examples of the potential content and layout for a website on this topic.


I briefly gave some thought to which colors to use for my website, but it's hard to think specifics when you haven't decided on a topic! I have been thinking about colors in a very general sense and have noticed that I do not like too many different/bright colors one page. I especially prefer the neutrals and the softer colors. (Maybe this preference has something to do with my declining eyesight!)

Well, back to ruminating about topics!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Still thinking about topic ideas

This weekend I concentrated on completing the SA# 2 assignment. Now that's done, so I'm back to the nagging question of website topics. I still haven't decided on one. But I do have yet another idea for my topic: Locs!!! (aka Dreadlocks) I get lots of questions and comments about my hair. I ask lots of questions of other people who also have Locs, but when I was searching the web for information about dreadlocs, I found very little. I realized that most of the good, useful information that I obtain is by word of mouth. The information that is on the web is usually very generic or thinly veiled advertisement. This website(http://www.naani.com/) in particular violates so many of the rules of good website design, e.g., you have to sign up to get to any useful information and the homepage is way too cluttered, that it makes me annoyed.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

About.com for Wine

For the last few hours, I have been trying to log on and stay connected to blackboard at least long enough to take our Q3. Since I've had no success, I decided I should channel my frustration with some research on my web topic. I found this website http://www.wine.about.com/. The website has way more information than I would ever try to cover, but there is a section about starting a wine tasting club that is well done. In fact, it is one of the websites our group used when deciding how to proceed. (Great resource for any of you who are considering starting your own group.) Well, I will try one more time to access Blackboard.


For the past year, my friends and I have been meeting once a month to learn about and taste new wines. We first started with the most popular types of wine, which we referred to as the Big Nine. It has been an enjoyable education. I am thinking that I could put all that knowledge to good use by creating a website geared towards Wine Clubs that discusses the different wines, and also highlights the resources that we used and enjoyed. I think that this idea , along with the Philly Sports Teams idea are the two that I can best conceptualize: I see subheadings, e.g. whites, reds, etc for Wines; and Eagles, Phillies, etc for Sports. I guess I'd better start making some hard decision...

Monday, April 14, 2008

More Ideas

I looked at some websites about romance novels. Here is one called All About Romance It's mostly discussions about books and authors and many, many reviews. Many of the sites I found were like this. The RWA has a nice website. It does a excellent job of explaining what the romance novel is and describing the many subgenres associated with these novels. It is was a source for many ideas and the layout and colors are nice too. Still, I think this topic is difficult b/c I can't think of enough subtopics to create 5-8 pages. So I will abandon this idea for now.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Go Home Team!

I am a big sports fan, especially of football. I will watch almost any sport on television (I was recently caught watching Bullriding!) Since I like sports so much, I am strongly considering a sports topic for my final webpage. I am a home town fan, so I might choose Philly sports. Or maybe I could do a website based on my newest sports interest- Bullriding. I think there may be some possibilities in both of these. I will do some research this weekend.

By the way, this weekend there is a Davis Cup tie in N.C. The U.S. is defending its title. Last year, we won our first Cup in a long time. Also, the playoffs start for the Flyers. So, for all of you sports fan, this weekend will be a fun one for cheering the home team!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Romancing Ideas for Final Website

One of my favorite activities is reading romance novels. I especially love serial romance novels, e.g. the harlequin series. Instead of watching a half hour sit-com or a two hour television movie, I prefer to enjoy the low key, quick read of a harlequin romance. My family and friends always tease me about this, but that doesn't stop me. Anyway, with the sales that Harlequin has each year, I know that I can't be alone in this habit!! The only problem now is what to do with the novels after I'm finished reading. (You wouldn' t believe how quickly they pile up!) Anyway, I'm thinking about putting this habit to good use, but how do I turn this habit into a fruitful topic for my final website project? While, I think about it, I will read a few pages of my newest book!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Intro for 652

Hello, I'm Nik and I've just completed my first year as a part time student at Drexel. I am a Library Science Major. During the day, I work as financial aid administrator. One day soon, I hope to be a school or academic librarian (actually, I am not quite sure yet!) Three websites that I visit often are:
http://www.espn.com/ (love tennis and philly prosports!)
http://www.eharlequin.com/ (forget mindless tv, give me a romance novel!)
http://www.google.com/ (always a great source of info)